Year: 2013
Number of presentations: 2
Venues: p.ARTE and Tijucão Cultural – Curitiba Brazil
Length: 40m to 1 hour
Fixed to the ceiling there are two pulleys. Each of them is holding a rope. At one end there is a bucket with nails and at the other end there is a hammer. In front of this system of pulleys is the corner of a wall. On the floor there are rolls of thick rubber bands. I place myself at the corner facing the pulleys system, grab the hammer and pull it down making the bucket with nails go up. Taking one nail and holding the rope in my mouth leaving the hammer loose I start to nail the rubber band on the wall at the level of my feet.
I nail the rubber band from one side to the other, continuously moving up and down in order to allow me to get the nails. I continue to fix the rubber band until I am confined in the corner. I keep imprisoning myself until I cannot proceed nailing or until the rubber band and or the nails loosen, falling on the floor.
With this performance I retake investigation of the action, of being able to do, and knowing how to do. As well as in earlier works, like Distension, my action makes it hard on the possibility to act. Nevertheless, there isn’t a distension of the action here, but a teleological structure having as a final target my imprisonment in a small and closed place.