This video is a collection of register from Fernando Ribeiro performance art work. He choose one minute from each register and edited in this video. This video cover something as 17 years of Fernando Ribeiro artwork. The first performance is from 2003 and the last 2020.

2ª noite de encontros do Curto-Circuito de Performance, em Chapecó/SC.

Bate-papo com os artistas convidados Fernando Ribeiro (PR) e Murilo Cavagnoli (SC) sobre a curadoria em eventos de performance e sua dimensão estético-política.

Mediação de Manolo Kottwitz Abertura de Marília Hermes

Place: Casa de Cultura da América Latina 
April 22th to 27th, 2013. Brasília, Brazil 
Talk about Performances, networks and public space. With participation of Márcio Shimabukuro (SP-MG), Fernando Ribeiro (PR) and Grupo FILÉ DE PEIXE (RJ).


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Fernando Ribeiro

Fernando Ribeiro

Performance artist and curator. Lives and works in Curitiba, Brazil. His work is based on exploring the action in a broad sense. He works as curator on p.ARTE and Bienal de Curitiba.